Melbourne, Sydney, and Brisbane

“Design is not just what it looks like and feels like.
Design is how it works.” – Steve Jobs

Connect your customers through dynamic user-interactive and graphically advanced applications for mobile and web solutions.

UI = User Interface, includes the Design, Graphics, and Interaction across all devices.

UX = User eXperience means any aspect of a human’s interaction with software systems.

In today’s competitive world, the User Interface (UI) of software, mobile app, or a website is as important as its functionality. No matter how wonderful the features are, if it is not ‘user-friendly’, they won’t accomplish the desired results. UX Design increases user satisfaction as well as conversions.

With our team of user interface and user-experience design experts, we deliver results for the best outcome through designs utilizing all relevant standards and best practices.

Code Runner offers end to end UI/UX Design services including:

  • Information Design Planning
  • User Roadmap Design (Interaction Design)
  • Wireframe Designing
  • Graphics (Visual Design)
  • Frontend Development
  • User Testing

UI / UX Services

Information Design Planning

Information Architecture Planning is about logically organizing information in a system, such that it is user-friendly, intuitive, and consistent. Our UX Experts design the system such that it enables the users to easily and quickly understand the processes required to complete tasks.

User Roadmap Design (Interaction Design)

Interaction is communication between a user and your systems through the interface. Our UX professionals are well-versed in identifying interactions and creating a roadmap of the system that is consistent with the information design, data flow, users’ expectations, and clients’ business goals.

Wireframe Designing

Once information design and roadmap infrastructure are ready, the next step is to visualize what the system, app, or website will look like. This is known as a Wireframe Design. Our UX professionals are experienced in designing wireframes to help ensure the ‘right’ information is presented the ‘right’ way and in the ‘right’ place.

Graphics (Visual Design)

‘Look and feel’ of a system is as equally important aspect, along with the well-organised information and roadmap designs. Graphics emphasise the aesthetics of a system which includes: colour and contrast, styles, fonts, images, navigation, animation and other UI design elements. In terms of websites, it is a critical element to attract as well as retain the visitors and increase conversions. Our UX professionals create stunning graphics matching the client’s branding.

Frontend Development

Frontend development is the process of converting a design into a working system. Our frontend developers are expert in coding technologies like HTML, JavaScript, CSS, PHP – and many more industry software technologies.

QA User Testing

Once the system has completed the primary stage of development, it is important to ensure it is functioning correctly for users and that it performs as intended. At Code Runner, User Testing is a prerequisite step prior to releasing a system. We conduct user testing with various users, obtain feedback to build an understanding of their views and identify areas of improvement to be made.

UI / UX Design Experience

We have used our rich UI/UX Design services to do projects across multiple industries, like:

  • Project Management
  • Scheduling
  • BFSI
  • Education & Learning
  • Government & Legal
  • Healthcare
  • Mining
  • Manufacturing & Retail
  • Oil & Energy
  • Shipping, Transportation & Logistics
  • Sports & Gaming
  • Telecom
  • Tourism & Hospitality
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