Leaner and Meaner Low-Code Development Platform (LCDP)

Leaner and Meaner Low-Code Development Platform (LCDP)

LCDPs enable developers to quickly turn an idea into reality within a limited budget.

Keep your eyes on these low-code trends, as recent Gartner research indicates that companies of all sizes will embrace low-code development in the future; with the adoption rate exceeding more than 50% within a decade (Gartner, 2023).

Low-code application development is considered a ‘trailblazing’ software engineering approach that elevates coding from a textual to visual user interface. LCDPs are specifically designed with various tools to address different needs and challenges. These ‘purpose-built’ platforms offer: intuitive visual builders, ready-to-use code snippets, form and report templates, and built-in connectors that accelerate the development process and extend the ability to innovate to users without technical expertise. Users can launch straight into building their applications, as these platforms eliminate typical coding processes, like creating frameworks, modelling data and developing user interfaces.

Popular Low-Code use cases include:

1.Leveraging an existing SaaS infrastructure with customized features to match the individual needs of your business.
2.Transitioning from traditional spreadsheets to a modern, web-hosted relational database.
3.Modernising legacy applications to improve maintainability and extend their lifespan.
4.Building complex applications ‘from scratch’ in an easier and faster way.
5.Creating a full stack web application, combining various features such as business intelligence and data visualization into an engaging user experience.

The modern Low-Code landscape offers capabilities to truly meet enterprise demands that are affordable, and help organizations deliver solutions quickly. However, for more complex use cases, a lack of flexibility and customization may prove too rigid and restrictive to produce the desired results.

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